Saturday, October 11

Greenhouse at the Ritz

Hello (:

I'm finally well enough to eat as usual! (: However, I'll ease my body into the regular routine and not be overly ambitious because I don't wish to have a "relapse", especially since I'm not 100% well yet! What happened was that I fell very ill on Monday and remained in a state of limbo for the next few days. Actually, I was pretty much okay from Thursday onwards but I waited till yesterday to be sure that I was alright! Then we went to our favourite place to have my first proper dessert since Monday! Heh.

Feeling better means I can finally look at food photos without feeling queasy, hence I'm going to clear my backlog from the long weekend of feasting, before I fell ill! Haha I'm so thankful I only fall ill once or at most twice a year, so I am generally dandy all year round (:

Here are some photos taken at the Greenhouse, where we went for a friend's birthday celebration! I took the photos hurriedly because all of us were eager to eat so I missed quite a few spots (e.g. the noodle station and the roasted meat section) and some photos were badly taken but it doesn't matter (:


Alright! Shall look forward to the great day ahead! (: Have a good weekend everyone! (:

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